Instant !
Scan the activation key of the game Dead Space 2 for activation in the EA Downloader.
The second part of the famous sci-fi action genre survival horror.
New blood-curdling adventure engineer Isaac Clarke. Three years after the terrible events that happened on the ship "Ishimura". Coming out of the coma, the hero finds himself in space city known as the Megacity. He - the only survivor in the first encounter with a race of merciless alien, and now it is waiting for the next nightmare. Trying to cope with their own madness, tormented by terrible visions of his dead girlfriend, pursued by the Government, Isaac must once again do the impossible - to save the city from the Necromorphs and survive. But this time he is ready to meet any danger, he is more experienced and much better armed - now he is able to catch up with Isaac horror on enemies.
• Chaos in the city. The gaming world has become more and more diverse. Now this is not the space station, and a city of rich and poor residential neighborhoods, shops, schools and even churches.
• Win your own. Everywhere player will wait an incredibly dangerous and scary creatures - both known and as yet unknown, and the latter may surprise their abilities and vitality.
• The many faces of revenge. Arsenal violence with guns nekromorfami replenished with new kinds of powerful weapons, so that the player will be able to find a way to destroy or rout any opponent. Now you can even send enemies into space, breaking a hole in the casing of the station!
• Isaac Almighty. A new protective suit will allow the hero to move faster, and even to overcome the force of gravity. The player will explore a large space city, down to the remotest corners, develop skills on the battlefield in weightlessness and solve puzzles based on the laws of physics.
• wall to wall. The game features a multiplayer mode over the Internet, in particular, the fight will be the teams - the people against the Necromorphs.
1. Download and install the EA Downloader
2. Run the EA Downloader.
3. Select the language and the place where the game is installed.
4. Go to the "Activation".
5. Create a new account or select an existing one.
6. Enter a key received after payment, as well as login / e-mail and password of your academic record and click on "Account".
7. After the game activation tab appears with your profile and the list of activated games.
8. Select the name of the game and press "Start".
9. Download and install the game.
\u003c \u003e The original copy of the key, the license agreement and all copies of the software in its original packaging, you can receive by mail for an additional fee. If you need a box with the game, contact your service \u003c \u003e