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Key Immediately after payment




▷ By buying this product you purchase a key to the game DeadPool Steam.

▷ Region: Russia, Ukraine, CIS

▷ Developers: High Moon Studios

▷ Publisher: New Disk

▷ Language: Russian (text only).

▷ Platform: Steam.

▷ Release date: 06/28/2013 (release date subject to change)


Game Description


This hero of the Marvel universe is not like the other characters. He did anyone not like! He hears voices, he speaks with the players, he loves Mexican food and groovy girls in bikinis. He is able to save the world like no other, turning it into a solid lesson pathetic joke. Someone says he crazy, but his army of fans thinks otherwise. He - Deadpool. He can be everything!

For the first time in the history of Deadpool he became the hero of action, and he really wants to outshine colleagues. Instead of harsh gotemskogo massacre in style Dark Knight - katana hefty gun, explosives and bright, delivering brain acuity. Instead quarrelsome rage Wolverine - mouthwatering terry Yumorok. Instead of dull assistants - invited guests of the popular comic book, selected on clothes ... or rather, lack of it. Deadpool knows that you do not have enough games superhero. And he delivers.


Product Features:


Naturally unreal action, laced with a portion of feverish madness! Deadpool goes on the warpath, and let it stop someone.

Unique storyline Daniel Hemingway! New story from the author of many popular graphic novels the heroes of the universe Marvel.

Break the pattern - a dialogue with the player! The voices in my head, the voices in the room, voices everywhere. He likes you. You chimichanga and hot girls in bikinis.




After buying ㋛ leave positive feedback and let us know about it on the page of the purchased goods in the topic of correspondence with the seller and get a guaranteed Steam key to a random game. Gifts send as much as possible within 48 hours after notification


System requirements


* Supported operating systems: Microsoft® Windows® XP SP3 / Vista SP2 / 7/8

* Processor Intel Core 2 Duo 2,6 GHz or AMD Phenom X3 8750

* 2 GB of RAM

* 7 GB of free hard disk space

* 3D-graphics adapter with 512 MB memory, compatible with DirectX® 9.0c, supports shaders version 3.0 (GeForce 8800 GT * or ATI Radeon HD4850)

* The sound device compatible with DirectX® 9.0c

* DirectX® 9.0c

* A device for reading DVD-ROM drive

Our other products:





!!! BLIZZARD !!!

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Payment cards !!! X-BOX, Playstaion, Bioware !!! !!! POINTS !!!

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16.12.2014 12:51:02
спасибо добрый человек, ключ активировался. жаль в стиме уже не купить, но спасибо нашим издателям - за версию на дисках со стим активацией.
16.12.2014 2:35:29
15.12.2014 16:57:32
Спасибо за игру и по возможности можно мне подарочек выслать :)
06.12.2014 16:10:27
Получил ключе, спасибо огромное :) ужа скачиваю :)
03.12.2014 18:39:13
Спасибо! Игру активировал без проблем! Все замечательно!
От подарка не откажусь! :D