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Referat po advokature na temu :"Printsipy organizatsii advokatskoy deyatel´nosti i advokatury.",sdavalsya v 2016 godu v IMEI,otsenka 5.
Glava 1. Ponyatiye i naznacheniye advokatury v sovremennom rossiyskom obshchestve…………………………………………………………………...…………5
Glava 2. Printsipy organizatsii i deyatel´nosti advokatury…………...……….9
Spisok ispol´zovannoy literatury………………..…………………………….26
Summary of the legal profession on the subject. "The principles of the organization Advocacy", surrendered in 2016 IMEI, score 5.
Introduction ............................................................... ... ........................ 3
Chapter 1. The concept and purpose of the legal profession in the modern Russian society ........................................................................... ... ............ 5
Chapter 2. The principles of organization and activity of the advocacy ............ ... ......... .9
Conclusion ................................................ .. ................................. ... 25
References .................. .. ................................. .26
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