Dlya togo chtoby kupit´ zoloto Royal Quest na RU serverakh neobkhodimo:
1. Predvaritel´no svyazat´sya s nami po vnutrennemu chatu e-software.su, Skype ili ICQ, ukazannym v informatsii o nashey kompanii na stranitse
https://e-software.su/sel/327746 i uznat´, yest´ li v nalichii neobkhodimoye dlya Vas kolichestvo zolota.
2. Oplatit´ pokupku, posle oplaty Vy poluchite unikal´nyy 16-znachnyy kod.
3. Soobshchit´ kod, server i nik Vashego personazha.
Vypolneniye zakaza osushchestvlyayetsya cherez igrovuyu pochtu, lichnuyu vstrechu v techenii 1 - 5 minut (yesli my onlayn), maksimum 24 chasa s 10:00 do 01:00 po MSK.
In order to buy Royal Quest gold on RU servers it is necessary:
1. Preliminary contact us on the internal Chat e-software.su, Skype or ICQ, listed in the information about our company on the page
https://e-software.su/sel/327746 and find out if there is any availability of the required amount of gold for you.
2. Pay for the purchase, after payment you will receive a unique 16-digit code.
3. Report the code, server and nickname of your character.
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The order is executed through the game mail, a personal meeting within 1 - 5 minutes (if we are online), a maximum of 24 hours from 10:00 to 01:00 MSK.
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