After purchase You will obtain KEY for activating software the product indicated. Purchase ID is 16 characters long, use it to get the product code on the merchant site. Date of the output: June 16, 2009.
The rating dependent on age: 12
Developer: Deck 13
Publisher: Strategy First
Localization: English
Activation system: Steam
Region: Russia
There were many omens of the battle of gods and they all gave to understand that the war for the authority and superiority in Egypt was inevitable. Certainly, precisely, Assil will again prove to be in very sediment of events. Together with its beloved by Container for it is necessary to prevent villain to Set from gaining victory in the war and from subordinating to itself Egypt. Humor, countless vivid exotic characters and mass of curious and dangerous situations again advance Ankh - Battle of the Gods by candidate to the title best priklyuchencheskey igry.Osobennosti Battle Of The Gods — several new locations, including Luxor, the gaming capital of ancient Egypt. The unforgettable journey by Assilya will lead it straight into the distant, not on that unlike places, where for it one must collide with the mysterious customs of natives. In the new game of a series detailing characters and their animation considerably was improved.
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