๐ถ After payment, you will immediately receive a voucher.
๐ง To use the voucher, you just need to follow the link after the purchase.
๐ถ Valid for accounts from any region
๐ง For new accounts. Not tested on old accounts.
๐ถ You need to add a payment method to activate the voucher! Cards of the Russian Federation and Belarus are under sanctions and are not suitable for binding!
Any purchased service is provided within 24 HOURS! There WILL BE NO REFUND if you DID NOT WAIT, BUYED ELSEWHERE or CHANGED YOUR MIND! If, after purchasing the activation service, you try to give us an account that does not meet the requirements of the description, there will also be no return FOR THIS, so be careful when buying the service and reading the product description if you do not want to look for another account for activation or be left without a successfully completed service .
๐ฅ For wholesale orders write in private messages on the site! ๐ฅ
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