Content: 00027_Проект электроснабжения электронагревателей.rar (1.52 MB)
Uploaded: 23.09.2024

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This set of working drawings is made in the scope of power supply of pipeline electric heating units at the sites: condensate collection tank, gas purification unit, GPA sites and fuel and lubricants warehouse of the compressor station.
Electric receivers are self-regulating heating cables. The supply voltage of the cables is 220 V 50 Hz.
To connect the heating cables to the power source, power panels with RCDs on the outgoing feeders are installed in the electrical panel of the UPTPIH site, in the automation unit of all GPAs and in the electrical panel of the pumping station of the fuel and lubricants warehouse. Power supply to the heating cables is made with VbbShv cables.
The cables are laid along a cable rack, in trenches and in steel pipes.

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Tags: gas compressor station, electric heating
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