Content: 00056_Проект электроснабжения насосной склада ГСМ.rar (2.13 MB)
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Power supply of the fuel and lubricants warehouse and the oil pumping station is carried out by two inputs from different sections of the LV switchgear of the KTP of the power unit
Power electrical equipment of the fuel and lubricants warehouse pumping station:
Power receivers of the fuel and lubricants warehouse pumping station are pumps for pumping oil and diesel fuel, oil cleaning units, exhaust fans, and instrumentation and automation equipment. In terms of power supply reliability, the power receivers of the fuel and lubricants warehouse pumping station belong to the I and II power supply categories. The diesel fuel pumping station fans and the instrumentation and automation panel belong to the I power supply category.
Control units BM5130 installed in the 1ShchS power board (panel No. 2, No. 3) are used as starting and protection equipment for pumps and ventilation. Automatic switches with RCDs and a BM5130 control unit for controlling the electric heaters of the open fuel and lubricants warehouse pipelines are installed on the first panel of the 1ShchS power board. The 1ShchS shield is manufactured by the Cheboksary Electrical Equipment Plant according to the manufacturer´s instructions.
Local control is carried out by control buttons installed at the location of the pumps and fans. Pump 7N, designed to pump fuel from a tanker, from the oil product receiving and dispensing unit, to the diesel fuel tank, is controlled by buttons locally or by buttons on the 1ShchS shield. Pump 7N is switched off manually upon reaching the upper level of the tank, which is controlled by instrumentation and control devices; light signaling of the upper and lower levels in the diesel fuel pump is provided.

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Tags: gas compressor station, fuel and lubricants warehouse
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