Content: 00089_Проект пожарной сигнализации ремонтного блока.rar (946.09 KB)
Uploaded: 13.11.2024

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In this section, the fire alarm and notification systems are installed in the premises of the repair and maintenance unit (REB) building and the built-in boiler room.
Composition of the documentation for the repair block PS:
- General data.
- Fire alarm and notification system network plan.
- Structural diagram of the fire alarm and notification system.
- Electrical connection diagram.

File format: dwg, tif (AutoCAD 2010 is not editable)
Note: the original *.tif files must be in the same folder with the *.dwg project file

Download the file "Repair block fire alarm project" >>>

Tags: gas compressor station, REB
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