Accounts are new and registered personally by the seller.
After purchase, you can safely change your email address (after 3 months), nickname and password.
✅ Immediately after purchasing the product, you will receive:
Login and password for logging into Epic Games
Login and password for mail, secret question for mail
✅ Whether you are drawn to Gloomhaven by the call of adventure or a passionate desire for gold shimmering in the dark, your destiny will likely be the same. Gloomhaven, a digital adaptation of the famous board game, combines tactical role-playing and dungeon crawling.
✅ To start playing, you need to download
Go to the applications of the account you purchased, download the game and play.
Due to the increasing number of cases of fraud, in order to file claims, we kindly ask you to record a video of the process of purchasing the product. The video must include: the moment of payment for the product, checking the product after payment (logging into the account with the specified data).
Everything must be in one video, without editing or splicing. The date and time of the recording must be clearly visible in the frame.
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